GULT is an international biotechnological company with many years of experience in the chemical and food industries. Our manufacturing facilities and offices are located in Germany, Russia, Hong Kong and mainland China.

The result of our developments is a new generation of premium electronic devices that are designed to improve the quality of life and human health. They contain exclusively natural active ingredients of the highest pharmaceutical quality.

Our collections of vitamin inhalers are the perfect combination of applied science and advanced technologies, innovation in the field of healthy lifestyle. The devices are designed by a team of scientists in accordance with existing international quality standards.

We were able to create, in such an elegant case, a completely autonomous disposable device that does not require recharging and refueling during its entire service life.

The premium design of our devices is designed to the smallest detail. This is the result of striving for an absolute ideal and the search for innovative solutions.

Our products are free of nicotine, acrolein, flavor enhancers, artificial flavours and other harmful chemicals.

Реквизиты компании:


ИНН 2011004057

КПП 201101001

ОГРН 1202000004887

ОКПО 46200744

Юридический адрес:
366108, Россия, ЧР, р. Шелковской, ст. Шелковская, ул. им. Р. Мажатова, 1Б, офис 17, тел.: 8 800 500 3223

Почтовый адрес:
107370, Россия, Москва, бульвар Маршала Рокоссовского, 6 - БЦ "Богородский", тел.: 8 800 500 3223

Номер счёта: 40702810502730003605


БИК: 044525593

ИНН 2011004057

КПП 201101001

Кор. счёт: 30101810200000000593


If you have any questions, please leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible


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