Yes, we do wholesale. You can find more details about conditions and cooperation in the B2B section of the website.


We deliver our products throughout Russia (including the Republic of Crimea), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

Shipping costs are calculated automatically when you make an order in our online store.

It is necessary to choose a delivery method convenient for you: a courier, a post office, a point of issue.

Next, select your preferred payment method and complete your order.

All necessary information will be displayed at each step.

Delivery is carried out by the courier service SDEK.

You can independently calculate the approximate delivery time and cost on the official CDEK website by clicking on the link https://www.cdek.ru/ru/calculate and entering the parameters that are convenient for you.

Yes, the products are certified according to all existing international standards – RoHS, ISO, GMP, TUV, CE, EAC, GOST R.

A transport acrylic tube is in front of you. This tube is a protective sealed case for the inhaler and allows you always to keep the device clean. Grasp the white polyurethane cap labeled POP OFF with two fingers and twist upwards to remove it, but do not discard.

Take the tube in your right hand and, bringing it to the palm of your left hand, gently turn it 180 degrees, controlling the removal of the device. Close the tube with a white polyurethane cap with the inscription POP OFF and put it in the pocket of your clothes or put it in your bag.

Make sure you are holding the device correctly. The G logo (GULT) or Crystal (GALO) must be at the bottom of the device. The upper part is a mouthpiece with a hole in the center. Bring the device to your lips and inhale naturally without any extra effort. The breathing technique should be relaxed and not cause discomfort. Since the device is not an electronic cigarette, vape, hookah, a longer breath will only consume battery life. For the best absorption of vitamins and amino acids through the mucous membrane, it is necessary to take a smooth breath and even exhale. It is recommended to alternate the airways while exhaling in order to get the maximum benefit from the active ingredients and to fully enjoy the aroma and taste.

After a session of meditative-breathing practice, put the device in a personal tube case for safety and keeping it clean.

Dosage recommendations:

One session – 10 full-fledged measured breathing practices.

The recommended amount is 10 sessions per day.

Yes, there are a number of contraindications, such as:


– Age under 18 years old;

– individual intolerance or sensitivity to any of the components included to product;

– pregnancy or breastfeeding;

– pulmonary hemorrhage

– traumatic or spontaneous pneumothorax;

– bullous emphysema;

– cardiac arrhythmia;

– strong cardic failure

Stop using this device immediately and seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

– violation of the rhythm of the heart;

– allergic reactions such as: rash, itching, swelling of the tongue, mouth or throat;

– dizziness, headache, nausea or other discomfort.

Technically, our product is an inhaler, not a type of vape or electronic cigarette. We use only organic ingredients, our products do not contain nicotine, acrolein and other harmful substances from petroleum products. You exhale water vapor, not a product of combustion, like smog or smoke.

In production, we use exclusively organic glycerin and propylene glycol, which are produced from legumes and are recognized as safe additives in the USA, Europe and Russia, used in the production of food, cosmetics and medicines.

Biopropylene glycol is a petrochemical alternative for the production of propylene glycol from glycerin. Unlike the traditional method, this technology is not based on oil.

The raw material for biopropylene glycol is pharmaceutical grade glycerin, which is hydrogenated in the liquid phase with a copper catalyst. The reaction is carried out in two successive fixed bed reactors at a temperature of 175-195° Celsius and a pressure of 75-200 bar. The product is then sent to a two-column distillation plant for purification. This produces pharmaceutical grade propylene glycol (1,2-propanediol, monopropylene glycol).

Our products are not addictive and there is no withdrawal syndrome because they do not contain substances that can cause physical addiction. Psychological addiction in the course of research on test groups was not noticed. Studies have been conducted on people with nicotine addiction. The result was achieved, 98% gave up nicotine.

Our international team of scientists and engineers has been working for many years, and they managed to create devices and liquids, choose the formulation for the compositions, set the right temperature regime. All units operate at reduced return temperatures through the use of ethers and our proprietary blends. But even so, we are limited to a certain set of vitamins that we can use effectively.

The formulation of the compositions complies with all existing international pharmaceutical quality standards. The devices have successfully passed all international tests and are not only safe for human health, but also have a beneficial effect on the body.

The device is designed for 600 breaths. This value is approximate and depends on the physiological characteristics of a person.

The device is completely autonomous and does not require recharging or refilling. After use, dispose of as a normal battery.

We have not conducted clinical trials on pregnant or breastfeeding women, so we cannot predict how your or your baby’s body may react to the active ingredients in our devices.

The law does not forbid us to do this. Restricting the sale of our products to minors is a purely personal decision that is consistent with the company’s internal policy and philosophy.

There are contraindications to the use of devices. For example, individual intolerance to individual components. The child will not be able to recognize the symptoms of an allergic reaction in time and take action immediately.

Our inhalers are technically sophisticated devices and require a conscious understanding of their use in order not to harm yourself and others.

When it comes to using our inhalers for people diagnosed with asthma and other lung diseases, we recommend you to consult with a specialist.

We regularly receive feedback from consumers. At the moment, the facts of the negative impact of our devices on the human body have not been recorded.

However, in case of any existing diseases and / or complications, we strongly recommend you to coordinate your actions with your doctor.