С нами — значит быть на драйве

Метод введения лекарственных средств, основанный на вдыхании газа, пара или дыма.

Before you click away, disappointed that I brought up something as practical and boring as time management, hear me out. My intent is not to crush your spirits.

Current Mobile Cloud

The average U.S. iPhone owner uses 1–2 gigabytes of LTE data per month, according to some studies. That data comes at an energy cost that’s opaque, because we can’t see it directly.

You can’t look to your peers in the industry, because all they’re going to tell you is that they are killing it, crushing it, changing the world.

Example: Journey towards design perfection

Business and core management app are for enterprise.

The truth, of course, is that these people have been lying to you all along.

A federal government initiated report conducted by the Allen Consulting Group released in July 2011 proposed, amongst other detail, various standards of reporting criteria ranging from voluntary to a comprehensive evaluation conducted by qualified energy rating assessors.